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Mundos Paralelos, una ruta flamenca pel Paral·lel
Flamenco Research Laboratory
Project to generate a theoretical and practical research framework in the field of flamenco

The "Flamenco Research Laboratory" was born in December 2017 in the context of the superior dance conservatory of the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. A project designed and directed by teacher and artist Juan Carlos Lérida with the aim of generating a theoretical-practical research framework in the field of flamenco. With the intention of bringing together and making visible a growing academic and artistic fabric in Catalonia, the laboratory promotes the meeting between students and teachers of the Theater Institute, as well as researchers and national and international artists from various fields.

The sessions of the Laboratory take place twice a month in the classrooms of the Institut del Teatre. At all sessions there is a stable group of researchers and a series of occasional collaborators, who are invited depending on the aspects to be worked on. The stable team of researchers is made up of singers, guitarists, percussionists, dancers of various specialties, actresses, playwrights and academic researchers.

To date, the lab has shared its work and methodologies in performative presentations. On the other hand, the transdisciplinarity detected in the new contemporary artistic practices has encouraged the Laboratory to carry out actions and activities outside the academic framework.

Likewise, the lines of research developed at the Laboratory have promoted and accompanied a series of doctoral theses, artistic and pedagogical projects carried out by artists belonging to the cultural fabric of Catalonia. Among others: L'Oscil·lant by Pol Jiménez and TWELVE by Juan Carlos Lérida, Lua, by Andrea Jiménez, Hysterical dances by Carmen Muñoz, The real fight is with the goblin by Jordi Latorre, as well as the research work pedagogy of Lxs Empíricxs, group of artists graduated from the Institut del Teatre.
