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Congrés Participació i treball IV
Theatres as sanctuaries of cultural rights and democratic health

Research presented in the Academic Congress session “Cultural Participation and Work IV: How culture can transform our society”.

Author: Pedro Rothstein. Doctoral researcher (PhD Drama) at Queen Mary University of London. International postgraduate grant from Fundació “la Caixa” (2021-2023)

The research aims to provide evidence and knowledge on how democratic values and creative health can be coordinated in practice and therefore, potentially strengthen cultural rights globally. How can theatrical creators and political leaders build more bridges and forge more alliances with each other? How can collaborative spaces be created and fostered in local communities? What role do theatrical organisations play in their urban and cultural context, and how can they become creatively involved with discourses of broader public value?

Cultural policies
Artistic practices
Disciplines/sub sectors
Performing arts