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Congrés Comunitats
Programació comunitària i diversitat cultura. Estudi de cas del "Viatges des del sofà" - Centre cívic Trinitat Vella (2014-2022)

Research presented at the academic congress “Communities III: Community cultural construction”.


Youssef Sultan Correa (Trinitat Vella Civic Centre).

Ernesto Morales Morales (IGOP - UAB).

The research consists of a qualitative approach to how the process of organisation and execution of the community action “Travels from the Sofa” came about, relating the applied methodology with its effect on active participation and the appropriation of the process by local residents in the neighbourhood.

“Travels from the Sofa” consists of including a dramatised performance into the civic centre‘s programme of activities, where people visit a particular city in the world without leaving the centre's “sofa”.

Community culture
Disciplines/sub sectors
Performing arts