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Forasters Vindran. Un análisis sobre la viabilidad de la implementación de prácticas artísticas comunitarias en el marco de las Instituciones públicas y espacios culturales dedicados a la producción artística profesional legitimada

Research presented at the academic congress “Diversities III: Are there ways of transforming cultural and artistic institutions in order to ensure the right to access and exercise cultural rights?”

Author: Sílvia García Márquez (Open University of Catalonia).

The show “Forasters vindran” [Strangers will Come] opened at the Teatre Lliure in January 2021. The project aimed to forge contacts between a group of people who migrated to Barcelona in the 1950s and 60s with a group of young minors who migrated to the city alone from various countries in Africa.

The research identifies some results that have been structured based on the social and artistic dimensions, as well as the transformative effects, which are the beginning and end of the “Forasters vindran” project.

Community culture
Artistic practices
Disciplines/sub sectors
Performing arts