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The cultural sector is often considered to be one of the sectors with the greatest job insecurity. The employment situation of people who work in it is different from other sectors, but is it really less favourable? Public dependence plays a major role, but how is this related to the working conditions of culture professionals?

The debate reflects on these issues, on the degree of involvement that should exist with other employment struggles and on the limits and possibilities of old and new forms of organisation or trade-unionism in the area of culture.

Participating in the debate:

Noel Kelly, director of Visual Artists Ireland.

Montserrat Moliner, artist and project manager and the president of the Plataforma Assembleària d'Artistes de Catalunya.

Catherine Magnant, director of the Department of Cultural Policies in the European Commission‘s Directorate General for Education and Culture.

Guillem Arnedo, a musician and the president of the Catalan Association of Jazz and Modern Music Musicians (AMJM).

Tom Kestens, assessor to Frank Vandenbroucke, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health.

Emma Rodríguez, advisor to the Secretary of State for Employment and Social Economy.

Moderated by Eduardo Maura, professor of Philosophy, a former Member of Parliament for Podemos and Culture spokesperson.

Cultural policies
Artistic practices
Cultural work