Alternative visions of time at La Capella

The contemporary art centre on Carrer de l'Hospital is hosting a commissioned project by Marta Sesé and an exhibition by ferranElOtro.

16/07/2024 - 13:00 h - Culture and leisure Ajuntament de Barcelona

What if we didn’t conceive history as a linear reality and looked at time in a different way? Marta Sesé proves it at the exhibition “Un desordre distint” (in the picture), an exhibition that includes works by artists from the contemporary Barcelona scene: from Jaume Pitarch and Helena Vinent to Cati Bestard and Black Quantum Futurism. You can see their works and those of other authors at La Capella, from 16 July to 29 September.

You can see the exhibition at the Espai Capella, but there, at the Espai Rampa, there is a second one with the same dates and, like Marta Sesé’s, it is also a commissioned project, this one by ferranElOtro. It is “How about a little kiss, don’t be unkind“. Both exhibitions are part of the Barcelona Producció programme, which each year offers support to a series of artists, curators and authors of other contemporary art projects.

Come to “A Different Kind of Disorder” and you will find a space designed to “question the abstract and progressive conception of time” and see what role time has played in issues such as colonialism, exploitation, sexuality and cultural homogenisation. Perhaps it is not true that, as we are led to believe, time advances relentlessly and destructively. Perhaps there are other ways of thinking about it? The Argentine visual artist Mercedes Azpilicueta, the Barcelona-born Jaume Pitarch, rogerserretricou and Helena Vinent, and the Mallorcan who lives and works in the USA, Cati Bestard, try to answer this question, the duet of artists from Filadèlfia with close ties to Barcelona (they are well known in the Hangar) Black Quantum Futurism and, also, the Swiss Pauline Boudry and the German Renate Lorenz, who have been working together in Berlin since 2007, and the visual artist from Vigo Noela Covelo Velasco.

Before arriving at the exhibition to be curated by Marta Sesé, you will surely have passed through the Espai Rampa and have already seen the works proposed by ferranElOtro. In “How about a little kiss, don’t be unkind“, he will introduce you to the concept of museography, the discipline that studies the planning and arrangement of the works in a museum, among other things. Here, the museographic devices will be made very visible. Listen to the audio-guide and you will go through five iconic moments in the history of the exhibitions, represented by five different museographic devices.

This is a proposal by ferranElOtro, the heteronym of a designer and editor trained in Fine Arts and Art History between Barcelona and Medellín, where he develops artistic projects and teaches.

If you don’t want to miss the two new exhibitions of La Capella, go to Carrer de l’Hospital, but first check the website for all the information about them.

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