This simulation-version ofKing Lear aims to open a door to thinking about how we interact with our fathers, biological and metaphorical, starting with William Shakespeare. It is self-fiction based on a classic, or a classic made into self-fiction, but hopefully neither. This is a play about our origins, about how everything that happened before us hounds us, even if we prefer to ignore it. About how we are fashioned by those who came before us. About how to invent a life that belongs to you without forgetting the past. About how to imagine other possible endings. It is also a recital, or an essay, the thing that happens before everything happens, the place just before something takes on its exact form. The precise moment when everything is still possible.
Artistic team
Idea and text: Andrea Jiménez; Directed by: Andrea Jiménez and Úrsula Martínez; Performed by: Andrea Jiménez, Juan Paños and a different actor every evening; Guest actors: David Bagés, Manel Barceló, Pepo Blasco, Pep Cruz, Eduard Farelo, Pep Ferrer, Josep Julien, Jordi Martínez, Pep Molina, Pep Munné, Francesc Orella, Albert Ribalta, Pep Tosar...
Show in Spanish.
Length: 1 hour and 30 minutes.
- Phone number
- Tel.: 932892770
- Fax: 934243453
- Web
Teatre Lliure - Sala Espai Lliure
- Address:
- Pl Margarida Xirgu, 1
- Districte:
- Sants-Montjuïc
- Neighborhood:
- el Poble-sec
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LET US KNOWTimetable
Dies | Hores | Preus | |
Dimecres, dijous, divendres i dissabte | a les 19.30 h | Entrada general de: 12 a 32 € |
Diumenge | a les 18.30 h |
Durada: 1 hora 30 minuts
Abonaments: consulteu amb el teatre.
El meu pare és el Lear, però no ha entrat mai en un teatre. Jo soc la Cordèlia i soc directora. Cada nit busco un pare possible, un que sí que vulgui seure en un teatre i parlar. Va ser el gran èxit del Teatro de La Abadía l’abril passat: una peça d’autoficció d’Andrea Jiménez elaborada a partir del clàssic de Shakespeare (o és un clàssic autoficcionat?). Una sessió d’assaig irreverent, improvisada i lúdica, cada nit amb un actor diferent, a la recerca de la paternitat volguda.
IDEA I TEXT Andrea Jiménez
DRAMATÚRGIA Andrea Jiménez i Olga Iglesias
DIRECCIÓ Andrea Jiménez i Úrsula Martínez
INTÈRPRETS Andrea Jiménez, Juan Paños i un actor diferent cada nit
VESTUARI Yaiza Pinillos
SO Lucas Ariel Vallejo
MOVIMENT Ines Narváez i Amaya Galeote
PRODUCCIÓ Andrea Jiménez, Barco Pirata Producciones i Teatro de La Abadía
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