Mercat de la Terra / Earth Market

Jardins de les Tres Xemeneies

Permanent event

Ubicació temporal al costat del Parc de les Tres Xemeneies, fins que finalitzin les obres de reforma del Parc.

Kilometre zero.. A farmer's market is held every Saturday, organised by Slow Food Barcelona, offering music and various fringe activities.

The Mercat de la Terra is a glowing example of responsible consumption, food sovereignty, short supply chains and sustainable food in Barcelona, because it brings together more than 40 producers - some have a fixed stall, while others take turns. They then have the chance to sell seasonal, local and biodiversity products directly to the public, with no middlemen.

At the Mercat de la Terra you'll find a wide variety of stalls selling locally grown veg, organic meat and charcuterie, dairy products, sourdough bread, eggs, honey, oil, natural wine, craft beer, preserves, dried fruit, vegan products, kombutxa and seasonal local fruit (apples and oranges in winter, strawberries and cherries in spring, plums, peaches and melons in summer, pomegranates in autumn, etc.).

Jardins de les Tres Xemeneies

Av Paral.lel, 49
el Poble-sec

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El parc de les Tres Xemeneies –al barri del Poble-sec–, rep productors i consumidors d'aliments locals i km0, un cop per setmana, per tal de consolidar aquest tipus de mercats a la ciutat.

Aquest nou format continua apostant també per la gastronomia –amb la implicació de diferents xefs Slow Food.

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