5th ‘Dona Crea– Crea Mujer’ festival

Ateneu Hortenc - Centre cívic del Besòs i el Maresme

From 22/11/2024 to 13/12/2024

Performing arts. A theatre festival giving visibility to women’s artistic voices.

The 5th edition of the Festival Dona Crea – Crea Mujer is being held from 22 November to 13 December, offering a programme featuring four stage performances with the goal of bringing visibility to issues related to women that also appeal to society.

This year's programme presents La Boîte Noire in a cabaret format and Maria Antonieta, based on the book by Stefan Zweig, at the Ateneu Hortenc; and Marta Graham and La felicidad es un hábito, at the Centre Cívic Besòs.

Check out the programme.

Ateneu Hortenc - Centre cívic del Besòs i el Maresme


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Cal reserva prèvia

Ateneu Hortenc

El festival dona veu a la dona dins les arts escèniques. Volem unir històries de dones d'aquí amb dones migrants. Acollim obres de tot el mon per mostrar altres visions i sensibilita


Divendres 22 de novembre. “La Boîte Noire”, en el ATENEU HORTENC, 20h. *Entrades*

Divendres 29 de novembre. “Maria Antonieta”, en el ATENEU HORTENC, 20h. *Entrades*

Dijous 12 de desembre. “Martha Graham”, en el C.C. BESOS 19:30h. *Entrades*

Divendres 13 de desembre. “La Felicidad es un Hábito”, en el C.C. BESOS 19:30h *Entrades*

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