29th Ateneu Popular 9 Barris Winter Circus: ‘Rara avis'

Fàbrica de Creació Ateneu Popular 9 Barris

From 14/12/2024 to 19/01/2025

Circus. A circus show for all audiences, with five artists specialising in aerial acts: vertical rope, fixed trapeze and swinging trapeze.

The Ateneu Popular 9 Barris Winter Circus reaches its 29th edition with the show Rara avis, on from 14 December to 19 January.


Rara avis is a Latin expression meaning “rare bird” and describing something special, unusual or strange. We all have something inside that makes us different...and exceptional! In Rara Avis, we celebrate this uniqueness that transports us to a world where that something which makes us unique becomes something that unites us too.

Artistic team

Director and playwright: Natalia Barraza / Performers: Martina Covone, Lucia Heege, Sophie Núñez, Pia Bautista and Mariana Fernández / Assistant director: Roberta Ruggiero / Music by: Marcel Bagés and David Soler /

Length: 60 minutes.

Show for all audiences, recommended for ages 8 and over.

The show uses strobe lights.

Further information and tickets.

Fàbrica de Creació Ateneu Popular 9 Barris

C Portlligat, 11*15
Nou Barris
la Trinitat Nova

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Funcions accessibles:

  • Els dies 11 i 12 de gener >> amb audiodescripció, visita tàctil i subtítols
  • Espai per cadires de rodes i bucle magnètic disponible tots els dies

Occur on
Fàbrica de Creació Ateneu Popular 9 Barris
Tickets sold at
Fàbrica de Creació Ateneu Popular 9 Barris

Entrades per telèfon (tel. 93 867 85 41) a partir del 10 de desembre.De dilluns a dissabte de 17 a 19 hDiumenges de 16 a 18 hLa taquilla romandrà tancada els dies 16, 24 i 31 de desembre i 5, 8, 9, 13, 14 i 15 i 16 de gener

Organised by
Associació Bidó de Nou Barris

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