Manu Ripoll

Barcelona retro-futuristic

Let’s draw postcards of a Barcelona of science fiction

In this workshop we will draw an alternative past on old photographs of Barcelona. We will imagine how emblematic places of the city, such as the Sagrada Família, the Arc de Triomf or Montjuïc become filled with giant dinosaurs, double moons, flying cars, or people in space suits.

Manu Ripoll

Degree in Fine Arts, he works as an artist of comics and illustrated books (Las Afueras, Els viatges de Ramon LLull, Un regalo para Kushbu, Bcn Noire). He has established the drawing of notebooks as a ritual after travelling to different parts of the world such as Mexico, Asia and Africa. In 2016 he won the prize for best graphic reporter in the annual contest of Fnac. He has worked as a graphic reporter in festivals of urban art (such as La Tapia Fest) and in music festival such as Primavera Sound and Pirineos Sur.

With the collaboration of the Photographic Archive of Barcelona.

© Big Draw. Barcelona dibuixa. 2018