Pep Quer


The circles of time

It is about creating the shape of a jar, on the floor of the space assigned, with plates of paper or cardboard previously decorated with collage by the participants of the workshop. This jar will be arranged at the centre of the space and between the columns that make up the hexagon.

The tables and chairs, to be able to work comfortably, will be placed between the columns and around the hexagon.

This work aims to symbolize the passage of the different cultures that have come to us in the form of fragments, showing us the life of the villages of antiquity until today.

There will be 4 themes to work on for the collages: hands, fish, birds and houses. Each one will freely develop one of these topics, and each topic will be placed in a specific area of the jar marked by an outline. The different outlines (4) will symbolize a broken or fragmented jar, alluding to memory, history and to the collage.

Once the jar is full of dishes, and if there is more participation, the following dishes can be placed on the previous ones, and in this way the work takes on an archaeological dimension due to the different layers which end up being formed.

Admission to the Museum free of charge throughout the day.

Pep Quer

Studies and workshops
1981-1985 - School of Arts and Trades, Vilafranca del Penedès (Bcn).
1995 - Pep Duran Workshop, School of Arts and Trades of Vic (Bcn).
1998 - “Workshop of light” given by Eugènia Balcells, Escola Eina (Bcn).
1998 - Sculpture workshops given by the sculptor Gabriel, Banyoles (Girona).
1999 - Art stay (land art) at the Centre of art and nature of Farrera de Pallars (Lleida).
2008 - Art stay (photography) at the Centre of art and nature of Farrera de Pallars (Lleida).
2012 - Teacher of the collage workshop and Tarot with the drawing mornings, Vilafranca del Penedès (Bcn).
2015 - Engraving workshop given by Núria Corretger in Sitges (Bcn).
2015 - Engraving workshop given by Danielle Crenaune, Centre of art and nature of Farrera de Pallars (Lleida).
2015-2016 - Engraving workshop in Alfara Studio, Salamanca.

1995 - Selected at the III Exhibition of contemporary travelling art Ardhara, Vilafranca del Penedès (Bcn).
1996 - Selected at the Biennial of contemporary art of Valls (Tgna).
- Selected at the Painting Award Miquel Casablancas. Aj. de Sant Andreu (Bcn).
- Selected at the Travelling art exhibition of young creators. Galeria Canals, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Bcn).
1997 - 1st prize of painting. Salàs de Pallars (Lleida).
1998 - Selected at the XXXI Tapiró Award of painting at the Biennial of art of Tarragona.
1998 - Selected at the l’Espai 13 (collective of emerging artists), Fundació Miró (Bcn).
1999 - Selected at the International Art Award “Elisa”. Terrassa, (Bcn).
- Selected at the 8th Biennial of art of Martorell (Bcn).
2002 - Selected at the XXXIII Tapiró painting award (Tgna).
2006 - 1st prize of painting Caves Nadal, Vilafranca del Penedès (Bcn).
2007 - Selected at the Biennial of Photography of Vic (Bcn).
2016 - 3rd prize Caves Nadal, Vilafranca del Penedès (Bcn).

Individual exhibitions
1995 - “Travels to the interior”. Museum of Wine Vilafranca del Penedès, (Bcn).
1997 - Space of Art Brazil. Lleida.
- Municipal Exhibition Cambrils (Tgna).
2015 - Alfara Art gallery, Oviedo (Astúries).
2018 - Carles Amill Art Gallery, Vinyols i els Arcs (Tgna).

Collective Exhibitions
1997-2016 - Participation in Firart, Vilafranca del Penedès (Bcn).
1996-1999 - Galeria Sennacheribbo, (Bcn).
1998-1999 - Galeria Palma XII , ARCO (Madrid).
2000 - Exhibition “memories on board”, Galeria Palma XII. Vilafranca del Penedès (Bcn).
2017-2018 - Galeria Sílvia Sennacheribbo, (Bcn).

© Big Draw. Barcelona dibuixa. 2018