Gary Palmer

The geometry of nature

Collaborative Public Art in the form of a peace meditation

The mandala is a circular public artwork in chalk pastels. The workshop itself is a form of peace meditation based on the Indian and Tibetan tradition.

The public artwork is arranged in concentric rings divided into segments. Each participant creates a drawing within one segment as a part of the whole public artwork.

The workshop is around 2-3 hours and the mandala itself is ephemeral and will be washed away with the rain.

Gary Palmer

Born in Belfast in 1968, Gary grew up in the small town of Holywood in County Down, Northern Ireland, and graduated with a Masters degree in Architecture from the University of Edinburgh. He spent the next few years travelling around the world as a street-painter. A book entitled, A Carpet of Dream, documenting the street-paintings and travels was published in 1998 by RJD Enterprises. Chalk on Street, was published on Amazon in 2015.

© Big Draw. Barcelona dibuixa. 2018