Asociacion LáPIZ

Put the mask on!

Are you prepared to mask yourself?

Each person will produce their own mask with recycled and painted material and will hang it on the walls of the Gallery.

You will be able to collect them after a month.

Asociación LáPIZ

Asociación LáPIZ offers free-of-charge workshops, tools and artistic dynamics to all people at risk of social exclusion, providing them with the possibility of gaining access to the world of Art and boosting in this way, their freedom of expression, their individual growth and their capacity of positively affecting their surroundings. Since 2016, they have offered free-of-charge painting workshops for:
- Elderly people from the neighbourhood (since 2016 until today)
- Colectivo Cassandra: Women who have been to prison, (May/October 2016)
- Street dwellers in Fundación Arrels, (since January 2018)

Free-of-charge photographic workshop for:
- Women who have suffered from violence, in collaboration with Surt (2016/17)

The Asociación LáPIZ also has a Gallery that prioritizes exhibitions of works created by disadvantaged groups (Prisoners, men and women, from different Catalan prisons; Women who have suffered from violence; People with problems of mental health; Immigrants)

© Big Draw. Barcelona dibuixa. 2018