
Prodigious anonymous prowess. A prodigious room

Dear prodigy: bring us your prowess and we will make a comic together. And remember that what is prodigious for you is also for us

In this workshop we are going to generate a space for the exchange of little battles between all participants during the whole day. We will draw on real facts; raucous, tricky, surrealistic, everyday stories ... Any prodigy is welcome!

Think of your achievement, come to the workshop and write it on paper (one line or twenty pages, everything goes). Leave yours, take another that is not the one you have written and take it as a script to transform it as you wish into a comic or drawing. Once you have finished you can keep it or exchange it again.


benzo really loves fanzines, comics, the little battles of her grandparents and to draw.

© Big Draw. Barcelona dibuixa. 2018