
A group of young dancers of Asian, African and European origin portrayed jumping in the middle of a performance

A Rooftop Summer

When summer comes there’s a bunch of Terrats En Cultura in the city. Will you miss it?

There are terraces where people go to see the view, others where you can sunbathe, many where you can hang out and a few... where theatre is performed, dance and movement arts are practised or a group of musicians show their talent. Do you want culture? Then you can go to the rooftop. This is a unique initiative that, from 1 June to 27 July, invites you to go upstairs to enjoy the living arts.

This is Terrats en Cultura, a proposal by the Coincidències collective that has been running for a few years now and which has not ceased to breathe new life into private spaces in the city which, one day in one district and the following week in another, premiere proposals or revive successful shows by the most diverse artists.

It all starts on 1 June with Jo soc d'aquí, a dance piece by Roseland Musical, premiered during the Grec 2023 Festival in Barcelona and aimed at a family audience with a message of tolerance and multiculturalism. Come and see what's cooking in this neighbourhood courtyard where it all happens, from the rooftop in the Eixample where the show takes place.

It will be the first (at least in Barcelona and in the future) of a series of performances that will appeal to spectators with the language of music as well as theatre and dance. Thus, on Thursday, 13 June, in Poblenou (tickets are sold out), you can see L'enterrador, a play performed by Pepe Zapata; on 14 June, they have prepared a concert by Anaïs Vila in a rooftop in Poblenou; on Saturday, 15 June, the playwright and director Pablo Ley and the actor Pol Forment will talk to you from Poblenou once again about La bellesa del diable (The beauty of the devil). The performance El monte de los Olivos, a conversation between Juan Carlos Lérida and the singer Niño de Elche (tickets sold out) on 28 June and the poetry show Cels canviants (29 June) complete the programme for next month.

The festival of the living arts on the city's terraces continues in July, with proposals as sharp and challenging as Títuba. Bruixa, negra i ramera, by Denise Duncan and Kathy Sey (25th July; in Poblenou); musical theatre pieces such as Les dones de Guido Contini (27th July; in a rooftop in the Gràcia neighbourhood) or stand-up comedy shows such as the one starring Andrés Fajngold on 26 July in a theatre in Gràcia are part of next month's offerings, as well as concerts by musicians such as Tacho (12 July; La Pau) or a wine tasting with a dance show (Deix; 13 July, with Quim Bigas, in Poblenou) complete the Barcelona programme.

If this summer you want to enjoy a good show in the fresh air, they are waiting for you at Terrats en Cultura, but before you come check the website for the complete programme and buy your seats.

Fecha de publicación: Jueves, 30 mayo 2024
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