
New Ywork

Jaume Clotet

It is a publication that arises from the New Ywork exhibition by Jaume Clotet, presented at La Capella in the fall of 2022. The author collects the drawings and sketches made prior to the set up and contrasts them with the final material in order to find out if the project was solved or if it is still open. A kind of catalog-comic-notebook that has had the help of Miranda Pérez-Hita in the design and layout.

Technical data
  • Language of the publication:


  • Price:

    5.00 €

  • Year:


  • Pages:


  • Cover:

    Staple binding

  • Format:

    17 x 24 cm

  • ISBN City Hall:

    ISBN 978-84-9156-588-8

  • Collection:

    Art in the city

  • Publication status:

    In stock

la Capella Catalogue Contemporary Art Art Museus Culture