
Sílvia Pérez Cruz: a voice and a universe at the Grec 2024 Barcelona Festival

11/06/2024 - 13:30 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The presentations of the festival shows that will be premiering in the coming weeks are starting, some of which have already sold out their venues.


Do you have your tickets in your wallet or on your mobile phone? Grec 2024 officially starts on 26 June with Circular, the concert by Sílvia Pérez Cruz (in the photo) for which there is not a single ticket left. And not only are there no tickets for the first day, but also for the concerts on 27 and 28 June. Before it has even started, there are already a few shows that, like the Palafrugell singer, have sold out, so hurry up and buy your tickets for the shows you don’t want to miss. The great festival of the living arts in Barcelona starts on Sunday, 26th June and will continue until Sunday, 4th August.

With Circular, Sílvia Pérez Cruz makes a new stop on a tour of concerts that, on each occasion, brings to the stage a host of friends and different talents. There are musicians and musicians, but also Pérez Cruz’s accomplices from the most diverse arts. We will see it at the Grec Festival in Barcelona (and in a few weeks, at the closing of the Festival d’Avinyó, where themes of the album Toda la vida, un día will be played) in a very special evening during which great figures of musical interpretation will place their talents at the service of the artist, forming a choir like you have never felt before.

Remember that, although the concerts of Sílvia Pérez Cruz have already sold out, she is the centre of  Univers Sílvia Pérez Cruz that brings to La Paloma on the 1st and 3rd of July new artists who have worked with the artist and a round of flamenco artists that she herself has chosen. The Sílvia Pérez Cruz Universe continues at the Jamboree, where we can hear artists who use new languages or are new faces on the music scene (4 and 5 July) as well as others who have been singing with the artist for half their lives, such as Carme Canela and Celeste Alías.

Some of Pérez Cruz’s artistic accomplices (Rita Payés, at the Teatre Grec on the 17th), have their own concerts… or theatrical performances such as Poeta en Nueva York, a creation of Carlos Marquerie, a friend and collaborator of Pérez Cruz, who has sold out the venues at the Mercat de les Flors to see the performance starring El Niño de Elche.

They are not the only ones who have sold out tickets at a Grec that has sold out all the seats for two of the delightful and intimate shows presented by Xavier Bobés (El cap als núvols and Cosas que se olvidan fácilmente; 29 and 30 and from 29 to 7 July; with the performers Marc Guillén and Francesco Sinopol at the Teatre Lliure), but also to see La Veronal (Sonoma; 6 and 7 July at the Teatre Grec) or the singer-songwriter Pau Vallvé (8 July; Teatre Grec). The same goes for you if you’re thinking of going to see DÄMON. El funeral de Bergman, by Angélica Liddell, which has sold out, both for the 20th and 21st performances.

Still on sale

Don’t be discouraged, however, as many good shows are still on sale. Among those that are beginning to be announced this week and that will be premiering soon, proposals such as the aforementioned shows by Xavier Bobés, to which Tumbalafusta is added (6 and 7 July at the Teatre Lliure Montjuïc; with Alberto Díaz and Sergi Torrecilla, from La Ruta 40); the reflection on the spatial ‘colonialism’ of the future that AzkonaToloza applies to Cuerpos celestes (from 10 to 12 July; CCCB) or shows such as the two great proposals that the creator Cris Blanco (Pequeños cúmulos de abismos; from 4 to 7 July) and Guillem Albà with Andrea Jiménez (Tota aquesta por que ara tinc, from 18 to 28 July) are bringing to the Centre de les Arts Lliures of the Fundació Joan Brossa.

Among others, in the next few days they will also talk about shows like Molière’s El misantrop, in a free version with a lot of rap, directed by David Selvas or La gran nit de Dagoll Dagom. 50 anys d’emocions, 50 anys de cançons, in which we will attend the farewell of this classic group fifty years after their debut.

A very special version of Tirant lo Blanc by Màrius Serra and Joan Arqué (Teatre Romea; from 26th June to 4th August); Malamort, el més nou de Daniela Feixas (Sala Beckett; del 26 de juny al 28 de juliol), The second woman, with María Hervás at the Teatre Lliure Montjuïc (from 6 to 7 July; twenty-four hours of performance) or a great name in European theatre who comes from Poland, Krzysztof Warlikowski, and his vision of the character of J. M. Coetze Elizabeth Costello (from 6 to 7 July; twenty-four hours of performance). M. Coetze’s Elizabeth Costello (at the TNC; 6 and 7 July) are just some of the works that you should not miss in any way.

If you want to enjoy the first shows of the Grec Festival de Barcelona, start checking the programme, because there are a lot of great shows about to start. Already have your ticket? You’ll find it on the Grec 2024 Festival de Barcelona website.