
Inmaculada Salinas shows thirteen unpublished works related to the martyrdom of St. Eulalia

02/03/2023 - 11:30 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

They can be seen at La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, which is also inaugurating an exhibition that reviews the history of social housing in southern Europe.

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Voices in the Forest is the title of a proposal by the artist Inmaculada Salinas (Guadalcanal, Seville, 1967) created expressly for floor 0 of La Virreina Centre de la Imatge. The exhibition, which will be inaugurated on Friday 3 March at 7 pm, is made up of thirteen unpublished works whose common thread is the thirteen martyrdoms that, according to her hagiography, the martyred girl Saint Eulalia suffered. Joaquín Vázquez is the curator of this exhibition which, according to the programme, “confronts not only conventions, but also certain sectors that criminalise desire and restrict gender”.

The programme also reads: “If to feminise a body is to place it on the passive side of life, with this project Salinas proposes to activate it through the production of very long series and laborious drawings, turning it into challenges to the established order that abuses its power; presenting possibilities of disobedience and transgression; inviting practices of seduction and punishment, uses and enjoyments, that can be explored from the female body”. In her works, the artist interacts texts and drawings with photographs, engravings and paintings from some of the collections of images that she herself has compiled. Jail, Glass, Oil, Whip or Cross are some of the titles of the thirteen works related to Saint Eulalia.

The exhibition Voices in the forest will be open until 11 June, and it is not the only novelty that La Virreina Centre de la Imatge is presenting at the beginning of March. Also on Friday 3 at 7 pm there will be the inauguration of The city in dispute. Collective experiments around social housing in southern Europe (1949-1976). Curated by María García Ruiz and Moisés Puente, this exhibition presents a review of the history of social housing in southern Europe through a series of singular experiences carried out at different moments of crisis and which, in their own way, reinvented the paradigms of modernity and the relationship between architecture and its inhabitants. They are exceptional cases in which architects took up the challenge of reinventing worlds from below and communities played a fundamental role. They coincided with “the poetic rigour of design, the staging of urgent problems of minimum housing and the embodied desire of bodies that until then had been on the margins of history”, explains La Virreina Centre de la Imatge about the content of the exhibition, which is open to the public until 4 June.

For more information about these exhibitions, click on the link.