La Xarxa de Centres Cívics celebrates Christmas with proposals for adults and children
19/12/2024 - 08:00 h
Casals de Nadal, courses, a documentary that looks at a different side of the festive celebrations, music, festivities and traditions, everything in the programme of activities.
Magic, tradition, creativity… On these special dates, the city’s Network of Civic Centres (photo: Júlia Arnau) invites Barcelona residents to take part in a series of activities ranging from learning activities to live shows and film screenings. These are just some of the many Christmas activities at Barcelona’s civic centres.
Do you have children who are on holiday these days and don’t stop for a moment? Maybe you’ll find a good alternative to keep them entertained if you come to the civic centre closest to your home. There are Christmas parties, learning activities and lots of other family activities, including Caga Tió. There is a Tió solidari (CC Navas, 19 December, at 5.30 p.m.); a Gran festa del tió (CC Can Verdaguer, 20 December, at 5.30 p.m.); el Recull i juga: vine a fer cagar el tió! (CC Bon Pastor, 20 December, at 5.30 p.m.) and l’Ens agrada el Nadal (CC Can Basté, 20 December, at 6 p.m.), with the company Més Tumàcat.
Those looking for a live activity can listen to the Christmas Carol (CC Vil-la Florida, 23 December, at 12 noon) with the Vivim del cuentu (We live by the story) or L’estel de Nadal (Can Felipa CC, 21 December, at 12 noon) with sign language translation service if requested a few days beforehand.
In Nou Barris, on the other hand, they welcome the festive season with Ara ve Nadal (CC Matas i Ramis, 20 December, at 5.30 p.m.) by the company El Replà Produccions. El Replà Produccions, and Fum, fum, fum (CC Tomasa Cuevas, 22 December, 12 noon) by the Routart Company.
Christmas Sounds
Music is also one of the essential proposals these days. Catalan carols, concerts of international classics, chamber music or the greats of jazz are part of the soundtrack of Christmas in the civic centres. A Christmas Concert by the Orquestra de Cambra Catalana has been programmed at the CC Pere Pruna (20 December, at 7.30 p.m.) and at the CC Bon Pastor (21 December, at 6 p.m.).
You can also discover a different Christmas repertoire with the proposal Opera i cançons de Nadal (CC Pere Pruna, 19 December, at 7 p.m.) and with Cantem nadales (CC Vallvidrera – Vázquez Montalbán, 20 December, at 6 p.m.), a concert by the Coral Collserola Vallvidrera.
And much more
There are still many more proposals for Barcelona’s civic centres. Among the most outstanding, the exhibition Caganers (CC Casa Orlandai, until 10 January) at the same centre or, last but not least, the Pessebre vivent (CC Navas, 22 December, at 11 a.m.).
Finally, follow the trail of the Documentary of the Month, which is shown in many cultural spaces and civic centres in the city and which, this year, talks about Christmas from a perspective that has little to do with the everyday reality that we encounter every day. It is Un Nadal per a tothom, a film by Ken Wardrop that you can see on 19 December at the CC Ateneu Fort Pienc (7 p.m.) and at the CC Tomasa Cuevas (5.30 p.m.).
If you want more information about Christmas at the Xarxa Centres Cívics de Barcelona, check the website.