
A summer to observe, stroll and learn

21/06/2024 - 12:00 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The city's museums are preparing more than two hundred activities, many of them for the family public, this summer.


Exhibitions that have just opened, such as “Arquitectures en transició”, which can be seen at the MUHBA centre in Oliva Artés (pictured. Photo: Jérôme Van Belle – WBI), but also itineraries around the city, film screenings, all kinds of activities and guided tours… This is how Barcelona’s museums are celebrating summer, and they have prepared a series of proposals for you to enjoy and learn at the same time.

Among the outstanding proposals, a series of exhibitions that can be seen at some point between now and September. There are many, but among the newest are proposals such as the one that showcases architectural projects by young European talents at the MUHBA-Oliva Artés (the aforementioned “Arquitectures en transició”; until 15 September) or “Una ciutat desconeguda sota la boira. Noves imatges de la Barcelona dels barris”, which shows at MACBA. It is a photographic project on present-day Barcelona, seen from the peripheral neighbourhoods that emerged from the post-war wave of migration, which is a proposal of the City Council’s Neighbourhood Plan. The exhibition, which runs until 12 January, includes Jeff Wall’s photograph Informant. An occurrence not described in chapter 6, part 3 of ‘Últimas tardes con Teresa’ by Juan Marsé, which uncovers the secret of Pijoaparte’s delació and which is a donation from the artist to the city that will be permanently installed in the Juan Marsé-El Carmel Library.

But there are many more exhibitions and activities planned in venues all over the city. At Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHub), you can still see the exhibitions in progress, but you can also participate in itineraries such as the one organised jointly with the MUHBA on 26 June, which takes in the Cases Barates and Casa Bloc to discover two architectural solutions to the same housing problem. Remember that the DHub is also collaborating with the Gran Teatre del Liceu this year. How? You’ll see if you come to La Rambla stage between 12 and 14 July and see three contemporary operas by new talents, in the Òh!Pera proposal, which is also part of Grec 2024.

“INTRAMURS: El temps que habita l’Arxiu”, an installation that, until September, shows a visual tapestry made up of period images, is the Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona‘s seasonal proposal for this summer. At the Arús Public Library you can see the exhibition “Bicentenari de Clavé, Pi i Margall, i Balaguer a l’Arús (1824-2024). Catalanitat, republicanisme federal i liberalisme a Barcelona” and sign up for one of the conferences on the subject that are being held there. If you like history, you can also take part in some of the Born de nit itineraries that, from the centre of the Plaça Comercial, take you on a journey through the Barcelona of 1714.

Guided tours when the sun goes down and a series of concerts during the month of July are part of the contribution to the summer campaign of the Monastery of Pedralbes’ heritage sites. Remember that the MUHBA also organises very interesting itineraries around the city during July, August and September, but that, in addition, four concerts are scheduled, between 27 June and 18 July, in the Plaça de la Natura in Park Güell. This is the Música, Ràdio, Barcelona cycle, which will include performances by Canendi Elegantia, the Chamber Choir of Granollers and the Ars Movens orchestra, among others. A bit of cinema? The MUHBA itself has prepared a cycle of screenings, also in Park Güell, between 28 June and 12 July. It’s Ventura Pons and Barcelona, a cycle of three films selected and presented by Celia Marín Vega.

Castell de Montjuïc also reviews its history with exhibitions such as “Ressons de la memòria. Fotollibres del present”, a collection of publications from the Arxiu de Memòria Fotogràfica de la Guerra Civil, but also with guided tours such as the one entitled Repressió, atac i defensa. From the Montjuïc process to the Civil War. Dynamic visits, workshops and family activities make up the offer of the Ethnological and World Cultures Museum. Festivals and gypsy tradition, but also folklore, customs and games from Indonesia are part of the proposal of a museum that shows the world from Montjuïc and Avinyó street.

At the MACBA exhibitions “Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus”, and “Una ciutat desconeguda sota la boira. New images of the Barcelona of the neighbourhoods”, will be joined from 5 July by the exhibition “Mari Chordà…. i moltes altres coses”, in which we will see how social action becomes art.

Activities at the Santa Mònica, new guided tours (between 22 June and September) and family workshops are part of the seasonal offer of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya. The Picasso Museum, however, invites you to discover the Paris of the 1930s through the work of Fernande Olivier, Picasso’s first company.  The exhibition “Fernande Olivier, Pablo Picasso and his friends” inspires a series of family activities.

As this is an Olympic year, the Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sports Museum is showing the exhibition “Paris 2024. Games Wide Open” exhibition and a parallel family workshop. Workshops, dynamic visits and many family activities are part of the seasonal offer of the Museum of Natural Sciences and the various subseums (including the Botanical Garden), but also of the Museum of Music, with proposals that allow us to play an instrument that produces ghostly sounds, the theremin, among many other activities.

And if at CaixaForum the youngest members of the family can do almost anything (from watching films to singing pop), Museu Marítim de Barcelona is organising a cycle, Musical summer evenings at the Museu Marítim de Barcelona, which will bring different concerts to the museum’s garden on 12, 17 and 24 July. The Marítim is one of the facilities participating (along with the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, the Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport and the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona) in the eight edition of the Quiz Summer Tour, a quiz game for teams that will be played in each of the five venues (for over 18s. Registration is required).

Activities and visits to Casa Batlló, Casa Ametller, the European Museum of Modern Art and the Free Arts Centre of the Joan Brossa Foundation are other proposals planned. See all the summer activities at the city’s museums at this link.

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