
Redevelopment of the area around the old fish market approved

11/02/2024 - 11:26 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The area will be transformed into the future research complex at the Ciutadella del Coneixement.

The Government Commission has given green light to redeveloping the area round the old fish market, the Mercat del Peix, bounded by Carrer de Villena, Carrer Wellington, Carrer Trias Fargas and Avinguda d’Icària.

This work will begin next year, at the same time as work on the three buildings that will make up the new research complex. It will include:

– Planting flowerbeds and shrubs.

Areas for relaxing with urban furniture.

Pacification of Carrer de Villena with limited vehicle access.

New service networks, drainage, watering, lighting and telecommunications.

Once the old fish market’s transformation into the new research and innovation complex has been completed, researchers in biomedicine (Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, BIST), biodiversity (CSIC Institute of Evolutionary Biology) and the relationship between climate change and human well-being (UPF Centre for Research and Innovation for Planetary Welfare) will move in.

One more step towards completing the Ciutadella del Coneixement

This next step in creating the future research and innovation complex follows the opening of the first facilities in the Ciutadella science hub.

The Hivernacle plant house, which will host activities to promote dissemination of the city’s natural, cultural, scientific and historical heritage, and the Martorell Exhibition Centre, the new home of the Museum of Natural Sciences.