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A photographic montage shows a chair made up of many different chairs

Rotations, voices and repetitions in the proposal that opens the second edition of the cycle Les...

A poster announcing the performances

Cirque du Soleil visits the Palau Sant Jordi with the show Corteo.

El Museu de la Música celebra el Dia de la Música Antiga amb una jornada de portes obertes

A unique opportunity to discover one of the best collections of historical instruments in a sonorous...

American soprano and corean pianist portrayed

Although its main venue is a town in the regions of Girona, this year's Schubertíada includes four...

A group of percussion instruments used during the concert

The Japanese artist performs an acoustic piece and presents an electronic disc, in a week in which...

El MUHBA organitza una ruta per Barcelona per descobrir la transformació de les llibertats sexuals i de gènere - Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona

The Raval and the Gòtic serve as a stage to explore the construction of sexual and gender freedoms in an...

A work by Indonesian artist Timoteus Anggawan Kusno

The centre is dedicating a temporary exhibition to the works of Musquiqui Chihying and...

View of the museum entrance

A themed guided tour of the Marès Museum allows you to rediscover a collection of everyday objects from...

The image of a pair of Texan pants is used to announce next year's edition.

A festival dedicated to productions from the United States will be held from 11 to 16 March in different...

‘El jaciment arqueològic romà’, un viatge per descobrir Barcino

An experience organised by the MUHBA to immerse you in the everyday life of a Roman settlement.

An image of the dock and the Rellotge Tower years before the refurbishment

The refurbishment of the Fisherman's Wharf in the Old Port opens to the public, with a new...

Black and white photograph of the exhibit of Fina Miralles, presented in 1979, at the Fundació Miró)

The Fundació Joan Miró reproduces three exhibitions by female artists who, between 1970 and 1980,...

Les aventures del Pop Roc, una activitat per gaudir en família

The Barcelona Maritime Museum is organising ‘Les aventures del Pop Roc’, a dynamic activity to discover...