
Espai Texas

From 03/05/2024 to 21/05/2024

Drama. A sad yet ironically sharp portrayal of a disappearing world, that of Mallorcan farmers.


Starting with the description of a traditional pig slaughter day in Mallorca, using the metaphor of the pig slaughter and white sobrassada, Toni Gomila offers a universal vision that prompts viewers to reflect on their most intimate world. The task of acorar [slaughtering] was reserved for the most skilled, as it is not at all simple to perform, and nowadays, very few know how to do it. From a minor household incident, there arises a reflection on the passage of time that confirms that what is particular is universal, that the story of a Mallorca that no longer exists can also be and is our story.

Artistic Team

Director: Rafel Duran; Text and performance: Andreu Gomila; Assistant Director: Antònia Jaume.

Show in Catalan.

Length: 55 minutes.

Espai Texas

Carrer de Bailèn, 205
la Vila de Gràcia


Occur on
Espai Texas

"Acorar" és un dels monòlegs més aplaudits i premiats dels últims anys a l’escena de parla catalana. Toni Gomila ofereix una trista però alhora irònica radiografia d’un món que s’acaba, el de la pagesia mallorquina. Premi Serra d’Or 2013 al millor text de teatre en català..